Are you willing to suck for 3-5 years?

Listen, I know you have big goals…

I know you have dreams to chase…

I know you can't wait to have it all…

But before you get back to them, let me ask you: 

Are you willing to suck for 3-5 years? 

You see, nothing makes people fail as much as a fast-success mindset…

As humans, we’re programmed to look for the quickest way to get to our goals: 

“How to get ripped in less than 30 days” 

“The secret to becoming a millionaire in 2024” 

“How to instantly become disciplined”

And while very few manage to make it the fast way,   

History shows that 3-5 years is the minimum it takes to achieve big things: 

Jack Ma – 3 years before Alibaba started gaining traction

Jeff Bezos – 7 years before Amazon turned a profit 

Chris Bumstead – 8 years of training before winning his first Mr Olympia

Henry Ford – 8 years before his first car was introduced to the public

Serena Williams - 13 years of practice to win her first major title

The reason why this sounds crazy is that we’re so used to getting things quickly and easily, 

That just the idea of waiting for months before getting rewarded sounds obnoxious to us… 

Let alone years.

I see most people quit because they don't get any traction, 

But please understand that It's impossible to see the doors that are opening for you because some doors aren't there yet…

As they say, the day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.

I have to admit that when I first started building New Mentalities,

Working daily and seeing slow growth for months sucked…

But I told myself "I'm just practicing":

"I'm practicing video editing"

"I'm practicing copywriting"

"I'm practicing graphic design"

And not only did I perform better knowing that I was not working for the outcome,

But ironically, that’s exactly when I started to monetize big time.

So if you struggle to think long-term, shifting your mindset like I did can change the game for you.

Look friend, this is what I want you to get out of the 356 words you just read: 

I don’t care if you’ve been working for months but are not quite there yet,

Or if you’re just now thinking about working towards a big goal…

Whatever you do, stop thinking in terms of weeks and months, and start thinking in terms of years and decades.

That’s the real measure of success. 

You’ve got this, 

Mason from New Mentalities


P.S. I sucked for years before New Mentalities became a money machine, 

Then I realized that there’s a way to avoid most of the sucking…