I wish I was you

This'll destroy your happiness

I’m not gonna lie...

It's easy to get caught up in comparing our lives to others.

“It looks like they’re more successful than me”

“Their lifestyle looks like so much fun”

“I wish my relationship looked like theirs”

I want you to focus on one keyword in each of those sentences:


That’s all comparison is.

You’re focusing solely on what you can see.

You only compare your full picture to their partial picture.

Everything you see about them is what they’re choosing to present to you.

“It looks like they’re more successful than me”

But you don’t know how much work they put in or even the handouts they were given.

“Their lifestyle looks like so much fun”

But you don’t know that they’re battling demons they don’t tell anyone about.

“I wish my relationship looked like theirs”

But you don’t know how toxic the relationship is behind closed doors.

Realize that everyone has problems, no matter how big or small, and things aren’t always as perfect as they appear.

Now, let’s just say that everything is exactly how it seems.

They are actually more successful than you.

They are actually happier than you.

They are actually in a more loving relationship.


All of our journeys are unique.

And because our journeys are unique, our timelines are too.

I don’t care if they’re more successful than me now, because I know there’s a future where I could be further ahead of them

I don’t care if they’re happier than me now because I know there’s a future where I could be happier than them.

You get the idea…

To wrap this email up, I want to say this:

It hits different when you focus your attention on your own journey.

When you're busy watering your own grass, you don’t even notice if theirs is greener.

The minute you see the beauty in your individual process,

You become that much more fulfilled.

Talk soon,

Mason from New Mentalities