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- Claim it.
Claim it.
The world is yours.
Tell me, Friend, do you think in abundance or scarcity?
Are you afraid to take risks?
Are you not optimistic about the future?
Do you compare yourself to others?
Do you refuse to dream big or set big goals?
If the answer is yes to any of these, please understand that your scarcity mindset is keeping you poor.
Look, I'm no multimillionaire.
But what I do understand is that:
Opportunity is abundant.
Money is abundant.
The world is abundant.
There is more than enough to go around for everyone.
You CAN have exactly what you desire.
Remember that scene in Scarface? The world IS literally yours.

Instead of thinking about what you can lose, think of what you can gain.
Person A says "What if it doesn't work out?"
Person B responds "But what if it does?"
It should go without saying that Person B will be the one to realize all of their dreams.
This isn't just about being optimistic.
People with an abundance mentality understand that there's always a risk they could lose everything, but they know that it's not fatal.
Person A doesn't invest because they could lose thousands of dollars.
Person B invests because they could make millions.
And if Person B loses it all and doesn't see a return on their investment, they don't beat themselves up over it.
Whilst they might not have seen a financial gain, they made up for it in experience and lessons learned.
They have no fear of money because it’s a resource you can always make back.
Now, here are a couple of tips on how you can switch from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset:
Cultivate daily gratitude:
Recognize even the small blessings.
Gratitude and fear can't coexist.
Open your mind to possibilities:
Remember Person B's response? Always ask "What if?"
Avoid rigid thinking and consider different angles.
It's just as important to unlearn self-limiting beliefs taught to us as children as it is to learn new behaviors.
Focus on your strengths.
Thinking in abundance is difficult when you're always fixated on your shortcomings and problems.
Identify everything you have to offer.
Reframe negatives as opportunities.
Leverage your assets and skills, because most of you are sitting on abilities that can change your life forever.
Play time's over, it's time to use them to your advantage.
That wraps up today's email, I hope you found some value in it.
If you did, let me know by replying with "ABUNDANCE".
I’ll see you next Monday.
Much love,
Mason - Founder of New Mentalities