Your days are numbered.

Sorry to break it to you.

I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that we’re not here forever, Friend.

But I believe a lot of people do need reminding.

We live in an exciting time and lifespans have only increased over time.

But still, it’s a short window, and there are no guarantees.

Yet the majority choose to waste this precious gift we’ve been blessed with:


Make the most of these years - here are 7 ways to do so:

1: Pass The Mirror Test

Can you look at what you see in the mirror and tell them you gave it your all?

If you can do this daily, you have passed the Mirror Test.

Give your best effort, always.

2: Be coachable

You can always get better.

You always have room for improvement.

Accept advice from those who are further ahead than you.

Don’t be envious because you’re not where they’re at.

Instead, learn from them and try to keep up with their pace.

In doing so, you’ll reach heights you never imagined possible.

3: Earn Confidence

You must earn the right to be proud and confident.

Put in the time.


Be Proud.

When you do this, you believe you control the outcome.

4: Don’t Skip The Work

Daily habits win.

You can’t do the work “some of the time”.

Set a schedule.

Have a plan.

Then, go at it with persistence and relentlessness.

5: Maintain A Positive Attitude

You can always control your energy and attitude.

Make sure it is positive.

6: Show Gratitude

Be thankful for where you’re at.

Be thankful for the challenges you face.

Be thankful for the time and resources people put into you.

It will go a long way and will help you reach your full potential.

7: No Deposit, No Return

You get out what you put in.

Put time and energy into something you love, and you will reap the rewards.

That wraps up the list.

Now let me leave you with this:

Take a moment to imagine yourself at 80 years old.

And all those dreams and goals you wanted to achieve but didn't.

All of this comes crashing down on you.

You beat yourself up, reminding yourself of the things you should have done but didn't do.

Please, don't let this happen.

You should be able to look back at your life with pride.

The highs, the lows, all of it.

So go ahead and make your future self proud.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities