You're being paranoid.

or are you?

Friend, why tf is everyone so paranoid?

Everyone is looking at everyone else as an enemy.

You probably think people want to see you fail.

You probably think people want to take everything you've worked so hard for.

And don't get me wrong, there are some losers out here desiring exactly that.

But looking at the world through that lens can be extremely problematic.

You need to look at this world as if nobody is against you.

Because they aren't.

Now, I'd be doing you a disservice if I said having some level of paranoia wasn't beneficial.

It keeps you on your toes.

You aim for constant improvement, knowing your spot can be replaced at any moment.

Because it can.

You remain private, knowing that loose lips sink ships.

Because they will.

If that's how you currently operate, then I'm not here to say that it's wrong.

But it doesn't have to be one or the other.

You can STILL continue working hard for the number one spot.

You can STILL continue keeping your cards close to your chest. 

All whilst understanding the power of collaboration. 

See, the moment you realize that most people are focused on themselves rather than plotting against you

you'll discover ways to create mutually beneficial relationships.

Instead of seeing everyone as a rival, see them as a chance to work together.

Everyone you meet provides an opportunity to build your network.

All of my biggest opportunities in business have come from those who I've connected with.

Those who I'm willing to share what I know and help out where I can.

That’s not to say that some individuals won’t cooperate and return the favor.

But the straightforward solution to that is to simply not give them any more of your energy.

Everyone is a friend, a mentor, or a collaborator until they prove otherwise.

I promise you that the moment you look for synergy instead of conflict, the road to achieving your goals becomes much smoother.

I don't know about you, but winning with a team sounds much better than not having anyone around you to celebrate each other's success.

I want everyone to win.

Including myself.

And including you, friend.

You've got this.

Talk soon,

Mason from New Mentalities. 

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