You're that person.

Act like it.

Friend, do not project your dreams into the future.

People often say:

"I'm going to be successful"

That's a mistake.

When you set your achievement in the future, you are already putting it off.

The future never comes.

It will always remain the future.

You will always keep chasing and waiting for it.

Instead, say "I am successful."

You must believe that so deeply that you are just waiting for the world to catch up with your "delusion'.

Believe in yourself to the point they call you crazy.

You're not going to create a new reality until you believe in it and act on it.

That’s what turns self-belief into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

While writing that, it reminded me of a study I read in The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People.

To give you a brief outline, this is what happened:

There was a computer error in a school.

In academic terms, it labeled a class of "smart" kids "dumb", and a class of supposedly "dumb" kids "smart".

And that computer report was the primary measure that informed the teacher's opinions about their students at the beginning of the year.

When the administration finally discovered the mistake five and a half months later, they decided to test the kids again without telling anyone what had happened...

The "bright" kids had gone down significantly in IQ test points.

They had been seen and treated as mentally limited, uncooperative, and difficult to teach.

The teachers' paradigms had become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But scores in the supposedly "dumb" group had gone up.

The teachers had treated them as though they were bright, and their energy, hope, optimism, and excitement reflected high individual expectations and worth for those kids.

You become what you think you are.

You become what you say you are.

And you become what people believe you are.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities

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