You're The Problem

Master Self-Accountability

It's all on you, Friend.

Stop blaming the economy.

Stop blaming the government.

Stop blaming your parents.

Stop blaming your teachers.

Stop blaming your past.

Only you can save you.

You're the reason for your vices.

You're the reason for your quitting.

You're the reason for your laziness.

You're the reason for where you're at in life.

It sucks to hear, but you're the only person holding yourself back.

Take accountability for where you're at.

You and only you are responsible for them.

You're the one in control.

And the moment you take control is the moment everything changes for the better.

This email sounds like a bit of a rant, but if you're someone who struggles with accountability, then I have to call you out on your bullsh*t unapologetically.

That’s exactly what a friend of mine needed.

There was always something with a stronger allure than working out, reading, whatever his task was that day to better himself.

As a means to hold himself accountable, he used to ‘deposit’ money to his friend.

If he didn’t do what he said he wasn’t to do, his friend would keep the money.

That idea stuck within the friend group and they all grew together through the same method.

This led me and my business partners to create an app for those who struggle with accountability.

Using the same mechanic, it’s the perfect way to build self-accountability.

It's called Peer Pressur - your digital accountability partner.

We developed it to gamify self-improvement so you compete against not only your own laziness but also your peers.

And the best part about it?

It forces you to put your money where your mouth is, literally.

You can just complete a task and you get your money back.

But if you fail a task, you lose it all.

Here's how it works:

1 - Commit to challenges

Buy into challenges with set requirements to stay financially accountable.

2 - Complete the tasks

Log your daily tasks to make your money back or fail and lose your money to the pot.

3 - Post your proof

After you log your tasks your social proof is posted to your clubs and friends.

4 - Earn your rewards

Complete the challenge to earn your money back plus rewards.

I don't subscribe to the idea of the typical "accountability partner".

I believe if you're relying on someone else to be accountable, then you're doomed from the jump.

Relying on someone else completely strips away the "SELF" from self-accountability.

But this app changes the game.

It's always ON YOU because it's you’re financially incentivized.

You and your money are the ones putting in the work.

No one else is there to remind you of what needs to be done.

So my challenge for you this week is this:

Download Peer Pressur today on the App Store and take part in next Monday’s challenge (2nd September - new challenges uploaded weekly)

Think you're disciplined?

Let’s see about that...

I’d also appreciate any feedback you have and how we can make it better 🙏

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities