You're Replaceable

Even the best get left behind.

Friend, let me ask you an honest question.

Do you think you're the shit?

Because a harsh truth you need to accept is that no matter what you've accomplished in the past, someone will take your spot.

Quotes like:

Trophies from yesterday don't win tomorrow's game…

Success is never owned, it is leased, and the rent is due every day…

Reinforce this message.

Think about it:

You can be the market leader

You can be the hot new artist

You can be the most promising young athlete

but someone is always out there ready to take your position.

History is one of our best teachers.

In 1955, Edgar P. Smith, an editor at Fortune magazine, published a list of the 500 largest US corporations by total annual revenue.

These companies are known as "Fortune 500" companies.

Of the original 500 listed in 1955

Only 49 remain as of 2022.

Boeing, General Motors, IBM, Kellogg, and PepsiCo represent the minority of companies that were on both lists.

The life expectancy of one of these Fortune 500 companies in 1965 was 32 years.

In 2020 that expectancy dropped to 21 years.

The trend is expected to continue to drop to 17 years by 2030.

Even the biggest and best companies are replaceable.

So yes, you are too.

The moment you think you're on safe ground is the moment you become the most vulnerable.

I'm not saying all of this to put your ego in check.

I'm saying this to ensure you don't get too comfortable with where you’re at.

People think hustle culture is toxic because it’s all work and no play.

But correct hustle culture is understanding that the goalpost has to keep moving in order to stay at the top.

You hit your goals?

Great, congratulate yourself and keep feeding on the momentum.

That said, it's healthy to know when enough is enough.

Just make sure you've got an exit plan that'll set you up for life.

There's a quote I want to wrap this email up on:

Humble enough to know I’m replaceable but wise enough to know nobody is me.

React to this email with a 💯 emoji if you made it to the end.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities