You've gone the wrong way

Take a detour.

Friend, it's a brand new week.

That means new money to be made and new opportunities to be seized.

But before we push ahead this week…

Let's talk about goals and the importance of knowing where you're headed.

Now, I know for the most part everyone would agree goals are important.

But how often do you hear:

"Life just happened and got in the way... derailing my plans"

Many factors outside your control undoubtedly affect your journey.

There may be serious illness or death in your family.

The job you're gunning for may be dissolved.

But here is a point we must fix firmly in mind:

Prepare to take detours in your stride.

Friend, if you’re driving down a road and you come to a "road closed" sign

You wouldn't just sit there in your car all night, would you?

And you wouldn't drive back home, either.

That "road closed" sign simply means you can't go where you want to go on this road.

But what's stopping you from taking a different road?

Nothing - so take the diversion.

Look at what military leaders do.

When they develop a master plan to take an objective, they also map out alternative plans.

Not because they don't have faith in Plan A, but because they understand that if something unforeseen happens, they can switch to Plan B.

Don't get this twisted.

I'm not saying you need to have a backup goal.

I'm saying you need to have a backup plan for that goal.

Two very different things.

If it doesn't work, don't change the destination. Change the mode of transport.

Let's make this week one for the books.

Let's set our sights high, stay focused, and work relentlessly towards our goals.

Here's to a week filled with productivity and progress.

Much love,

Mason from New Mentalities

PS - I'm thinking of sending out a newsletter every Monday as well as Thursday, what do you think? Would you like two emails per week?