You've Got 50% Left

Make the rest of 2024 count

Listen, Friend.

We're halfway through the year.

And the thought of that can be terrifying if you're still way behind on your 2024 goals.

Instead of dwelling on the last 6 months you've fallen short

Focus on the 6 months of opportunity ahead of you.

It only takes half a year (I know it’s cliche but it's true) for you to switch your life around.

New money.

New mind.

New body.

All it takes is 50% of the year with consistent action and discipline.

That's it.

You see, success is a result of many things combined.

But if you really distil success...

Regardless of what your version of ‘success’ is…

You can break it down into the key areas...

You then realize you need just two things:

Hard work and discipline.

Now, I can't teach you hard work.

Hard work is on you.

The grind is your responsibility.

Discipline, on the other hand, that's teachable.

Discipline is your duty, much like putting in the work.

But discipline doesn't have to be so difficult.

Meeting your own deadlines...

Running for 10 miles in the rain…

Turning off Netflix at a set time...

Going for your workout even though you are tired...

Passing up a huge sale with extra money in the bank...

Reading a business book even when you don't feel like it...

Through simple tricks and tips and a slight paradigm shift

All of that becomes second nature.

Obedience of your own rules becomes pleasurable.

I’ve been putting in daily work on New Mentalities and my other pages for years.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

You soon choose delayed gratification over short-term pleasures because you want to, not because you have to.

In my most recent eBook "The Discipline Divide"

I demonstrate how even the most sluggish of people can make discipline work for them.

I'm not saying it's going to make discipline easy

But trust me, it'll make it a lot simpler and more manageable.


We explore mental hacks, reward systems, and habit-forming methods to help you lock in.

Distractions become a blur.

Discipline becomes a lifestyle.

Much love,

Mason - Founder of New Mentalities